SpazyArt @ Little Haunted Shops and Spooky Art Walk
Excited to join Spooksieboo at their Little Haunted Shops event at the Garden Walk in Anaheim and at the Spooky Art Walk in Riverside this week!
The event at the Anaheim Garden Walk is March 7th from 11am-5pm. Free Admission but make sure to RSVP HERE for easy entry! The Spooky Art Walk takes place in Riverside on March 5th and is from 6-9pm. Both events shall be a ton of fun and many other awesome vendors will be there so come join us and spend a nice day out.
Make sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram @SPAZYART
Hope to see you there!
SpazyArt @ IE Punk Flea 2020
EXCITING NEWS! I will be vending this year at the first IE Punk Flea hosted by Rad Coffee and Mystic Museum! This is my first official time vending and selling my SpazyArt works which I am really excited about. Currently I am working on creating my inventory which is both stressful and fun!
I will have patches, stickers, mugs, jackets, pillows and a few other goodies. Not sure if I will keep updated with my progress as I am not very good at that, but you know what I just might try and make it happen. 2020 is definitely a new time for setting out and making things happen… no excuses, right?
Anyways, if you’re around the area please make sure to drop in and check out my booth along with the other 100+ vendors. There will be a ton of things to look at, buy, eat, drink and enjoy so be sure to make your way there. I know I’d appreciate it and I sure all of the other small businesses will too!
- Michele x
BashFest, which includes Bonzo Bash and Randy Rhoads Remembered, is a three-day celebration hosted every year, by drummer Brian Tichy. These shows coincide with NAMM and bring together an array of rock musicians, to celebrate the life of music and two legendary icons, John Bonham and Randy Rhoads.
Bonzo Bash takes place the second-night and is in celebration of Led Zeppelin's one and only, John Bonham. Bonzo Bash was the first to take place and started only as a small gathering, which later led to being, a star-studded event.
Check out some photos below or view the full gallery here ---> BONZO BASH
Randy Rhoads Remembered happens the third and final night of BashFest and is a celebration of the legendary guitarist, Randy Rhoads. Many show up in attendance, from musicians to fans, to his siblings themselves, Kelle and Kathy Rhoads. It's a wonderful night full of remembrance and good music... both nights are actually. So, if you're ever in or around Santa Ana during these shows, definitely check them out.
Have a look at some photos below or view the full gallery here ---> RANDY RR